Our Rules
1. Membership number of the club shall be at the discretion of the committee. There shall be no more than five honorary members.
2. Each applying candidate shall complete the club’s application form and shall agree to abide by the club’s rules and constitution with a signature. All applications will be considered by the committee. Applicants with approval will then need to forward their fees to the treasurer.
3. Annual subscriptions shall be payable by 1st January and members not paid by 31st January shall be deemed to have resigned and shall be ineligible to vote at the clubs AGM.
4. Each member shall carry with them at all times, a valid EA rod licence and valid Ripon Fly Fishers membership card.
5. The club is insured for recreational fishing only. Any member using the club to assist their business or make profit from the club waters will be expelled immediately.
6. Each member shall receive three free guest tickets at the beginning of each season. Guests must at all times be accompanied by a full member and must abide by the club rules and constitution.
7. All members have a duty to the club and should report to the committee any infringement of regulations or unsafe practices. All waters are risk assessed and members must comply with notices placed in the club lodges. Be SAFE be INSURED.
8. If any member does contravene the club’s constitution/rules by committing willful damage or acting in a manner detrimental to the club, the committee reserves the right, after suitable investigations, to take disciplinary action.
9. Cars are only to be parked in designated parking areas.
10. Members shall abide by the opening and closing dates of waters where applicable, and they shall be those of the Environment Agency, unless varied by the committee.
11. All members visiting any of the club waters to fish must “sign in” in the register provided before the commencement of fishing and on leaving, must complete the catch return.
12. The “taking” size of fish shall be those of the EA unless varied by the committee. Specimen fish are classed as those over 3Lbs and must be returned unharmed.
13. Each member and their guest shall be allowed to take two fish per week from club waters.
14. Only suitable knotless landing nets must be used and it is recommended that these should be regularly disinfected.
15. Members may fish with a fly up to size 10 long shank hook. The total length of the fly when wet must not exceed one and a half inches (40mm). Only barbless or de-barbed hooks may be used.